The Founding of the Ministry
Founded in 2018, The Grace and Truth Ministry began with one purpose: to proclaim and exalt the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior. By the grace of God, Dr. Christopher Cline founded this ministry to reach others for the cause of Christ. We desire that this world would see the grace and truth of Jesus Christ and find His salvation.
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The Purpose of the Ministry
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The main purpose of the ministry is to exalt Jesus Christ as LORD and SAVIOR. The sole purpose of this ministry is to see souls saved and grow a personal relationship with God. The Ministry is not after your money, but is after your soul and heart for the Lord Jesus Christ. Of course, finances are needed for this ministry to operate and remain on the Internet, but we rely and trust that God will provide through faithful stewards.
Check out these features in our website:
- The Plan of Salvation - God's Word on the plan of salvation.
- Doctrinal Beliefs - Our statement of faith and position on various topics.
- Academic Material - FREE discipleship course for greater biblical knowledge.
- Study Material - FREE Bible study material for the day by day walk with God.
- Published Material - Devotionals, books, and music available for purchase.
- Children's Material - Lesson outlines specifically focused for children
- Teaching Material - Lesson outlines specifically focused for general class use.